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Dragon News

Smartphone Photography

With Michelle Veizaga


Michelle says:

 “Photographing beads can be challenging. I struggled for years with getting the right balance of equipment and lighting and always felt that the final photo did not represent my work as good as I knew it could. Once smartphone technology advanced, it gave me a whole new way to approach photographing my work! 

 One of the best parts of using your phone is almost every stage of the process is available in one convenient place! In our talk we will explore your phone’s settings- I will be using the Samsung Galaxy S10+ and an iPhone 11 most of the features covered will be available on most smartphones and the apps I use are available on both platforms. I can’t wait to help you all with taking better photos of your work!”

After the Presentation

Michelle shared her knowledge with us via Zoom on this Technology Tuesday, and we learned a lot.  She discussed how the background you use can not only affect the general look of your photograph, but also how the color of the background can help you capture the true color of your items.  We all know that getting the color right  is quite important, especially  if you are selling your beads.

Michelle also discussed how to get your beads in focus, another important skill.  She talked about lighting – both inside and outside, things that your camera is capable of that you may never have realized, and setting up your space for photographing.

We look forward to Michelle’s next talk when she talks about “apps” you can get for your phone that make getting the best results when photographing your beads (and other things) for the best results.

A recording of the talk is on our Youtube Channel with other tutorials.

It is also embedded below, and is about an hour and 20 minutes long.