Challenge Yourself!

Whether you would like to learn something new or improve on existing skills, these challenges offer something for everyone! Have fun, and share your work on our Facebook page!


Ongoing Challenge #24 –

April is for Springtime!

By Janie Jones

April’s birthstone is a diamond – that’s how this month’s theme came to be “Diamonds Are A Girl’s Best Friend”. But April is also the month when Spring should appear for a great many of us and the monthly challenge has that thought in mind. Make a bead that shows what you associate with Springtime. That could be a bunny, baby chicks or ducks, decorated eggs, white lilies – any number of things!

You have a wide range of choices to inspire results, so it would be remarkable seeing all your images. Please post them on our Members Facebook page, in comments beneath this challenge #24. For current members, just click on the link and it will take you there. It’s an easy way to share and be an active, contributing member of our group.

Thank you for your participation.

Participating Members Gallery

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