Challenge Yourself!

Whether you would like to learn something new or improve on existing skills, these challenges offer something for everyone! Have fun, and share your work on our Facebook page!


Ongoing Challenge #26 

Here Comes the Sun

By Janie Jones

“Here Comes the Sun” is our theme for this month. Not sure how the weather is where you are, but it’s been kinda hot here in North Carolina. With that, the challenge for the month of June couldn’t be more obvious … make a sun bead, or make something where the sun is the main subject or focal point. Any form of a “Sun” glass piece qualifies – fused, torched, glued or grouted!

Sun beads would be so cute for Beads of Courage too, please consider them. For these two little sun beads, I used a dental tool to give them a smiley face. The sun rays were made using a stringer for the bead on the right, and a clear encased brighter yellow stringer for the sun rays for the bead on the left.

Sun beads would be so cute for Beads of Courage too, please consider them. For these two little sun beads, I used a dental tool to give them a smiley face. The sun rays were made using a stringer for the bead on the right, and a clear encased brighter yellow stringer for the sun rays for the bead on the left.

Please give it a try this month. Make a “sun” glass piece and post your pictures beneath this Challenge #26 on our members Facebook page – here’s a link to make it easy for you to post your efforts.

Remember, the challenges never end, so if you check the earlier challenges and see some that interest you, give it a try and post your results to the Facebook link provided. We would love to see them!
