Challenge Yourself!

Whether you would like to learn something new or improve on existing skills, these challenges offer something for everyone! Have fun, and share your work on our Facebook page!


Ongoing Challenge #28

Bugs & Bees

By Janie Jones

A bee or any other kind of bug could be added to a countless number of glass surfaces – make an inchworm, or a butterfly. Try a fly on a piece of pie (eww); a ladybug on a mushroom cap; or make a pair of ladybug, butterfly or bee earrings.

What can you conjure up to share for this month’s challenge? Please post an image of your finished pieces on our Members Facebook page for this month, in comments – here’s a link to help. Any form of melted glass, fused, painted or glued and grouted qualifies. Wouldn’t some of these ideas be great as BOC beads as well?

As always, thank you for participating.