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Spotlight on Beth Williams

I have been a member of the ISGB since 1993.
On a personal note, I’m the oldest of 5, married 47 years, no kids, grew up and settled in Gloucester MA (America’s oldest fishing port, 400 years old next year!) and am very involved in the local artistic and tourism sectors here…I love where I live!

I first found “flat” glass back in my 20’s, after my sister moved out and left her assortment of stained glass tools and materials behind. I bought a few books (this was way before the internet!) and started figuring things out, eventually creating a niche making wedding invitation keepsakes, decorated with dried pressed flowers and enclosed in glass with a fancy stained glass frame. These transitioned into decorative windows and jewelry boxes that included shells, pebbles, porcelain, and other found objects which I sold in a wonderfully eclectic shop downtown.

About this time, I met a local silversmith who invited me to help her out in her studio; in return she would teach me the basics of metalworking…and I was hooked. I designed and made my own jewelry and sold it in her shop…then started taking classes and developing my own style, which included hunting for vintage and interesting beads and gems to incorporate.

Still pre-internet, during one of my visits to a bead show in 1992, I met Kristina Logan, who had just started teaching beadmaking. I signed up for her first two-day class and loved it, then continued to rent bench time from her for several months after that class before setting up my own studio….and flameworking has been part of my life ever since. Over the years she’s become a great friend and mentor.

Through Kristina, I found out about the SGB (now ISGB), became president of our New England Chapter for a few years and helped organize some of the national conferences. I loved those Gatherings, learned so much from attending (and presenting at) them and really hope they happen in real life again soon! I have attended all but the first two, not missing any, until Covid forced us to go virtual.

Over time I’ve been fortunate to get to know and study with many other wonderful glassworkers, especially Heather Trimlett who I’ve been lucky enough to TA for in classes from Canada to Germany! I can’t believe all the people I’ve met, the opportunities I’ve had, and classes I’ve taken through glass! I’ve gone places I never imagined, around the world – and made some of my closest, dearest friendships. I’ve even been lucky enough to study in Murano!

I’ve maintained a full-time working studio and gallery in downtown Gloucester MA for almost 30 years, where I’ve developed relationships with many clients over multiple generations. I sell my work there as well as in glass galleries, museums and fine shops across the country, and also have a website shop with a selection of available work.
My studio is located in the city’s historic district, one block from the working harbor; it’s 5 minutes from glorious beaches in one direction with amazing gardens in the other…. any time I take a walk I can find inspiration all around! I try to spend as much time as I can at the beach (lots of beach yoga in the good weather) and in my own gardens…major sources of creativity!

Inspired by my natural surroundings, my jewelry is colorful, heavily textured, and often includes gold, silver and palladium as accents. I enjoy the challenge of working in unusual color mixes, sometimes the stranger the better! An artist I follow from the UK issues a color challenge every Monday, based on a piece of artwork she chooses… and it has really pushed me out of my (self-imposed) color “box”.

I’ve really appreciated all the work the Glass Dragon team has done to keep us all connected during these Covid times…it’s been a bright spot in tough times.

“Spotlight On” is an area where we highlight one of our own. Members are encouraged to share a personal story or an adventure. To see past Spotlight articles, visit our website.
If you are willing to be in the Spotlight, please contact newsletter@theglassdragons.com