Challenge #35
Colors of the Rainbow Glass
by Janie Jones
“Rainbows” is the theme this month, sounds pretty simple right? Offering a couple of suggestions here, but you’re welcome to share any kind of rainbows or “Colors of the Rainbow” using any form of glass. A simple layering of beads stacked as they line up in a rainbow is the easiest, but it’s very efficient. The first example below was made as a special request: a line up of rainbow colors as an ornament.
The second and third examples (center image) were also a special request, from someone who smokes. He often thought of something his grandfather used when he was finished with a cigarette – a small, cone shaped object in the ashtray that he used to extinguish the lit end of a cigarette. Not the normal rainbow you might consider as any motivation. But it shows that inspiration coming from others can offer a different perspective to a simple positioning of colors on an object from a memory. And a simple pocket rainbow bead on knotted leather was the second for the special order.
Make a rainbow ‘something’ for this month, that’s the Challenge #35. You might even turn an animal or a shaped bead into a rainbow (square, pyramid, tapered), it would be perfect for Beads of Courage.
Members can share your images on our members FB page beneath this Challenge. Thanks for contributing.