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Spotlight on Sandy Kaunisto

I am Sandy Kaunisto
Accused of cheating in 6th grade because my drawing of the map of Alaska was so precise – I proved everyone wrong years later. I graduated summa cum laude with a degree in Scientific and Medical Illustration & Cultural Anthropology. Since then … I have been an artist, archaeologist, photographer, explorer, graphic designer, wife, mother, volunteer and athlete.

Fast Forward 53 Years …

May 30, 2019, I turned 65 and retired. Suddenly I began exploring hobbies, testing creativity, designing Kumihimo braids, discovering Lampwork beads and the artisans who create these wondrous artistic beads, wire wrapping pendants and studying marketing

NOW creating Sandy Kaunisto Jewelry. Since 2019, I have been making jewelry and selling in various groups on Facebook and LinkedIn. The majority of my work is custom designs for customers around the country.

Growing curiosity about Lampwork beads led me to Leslie Anne Knowles Bitgood for my first class in Lampwork beads.

Growing frustration with buying beads from some of my favorite artisans led me to realize my business could not rely totally on the products from other artisans. The next week Cindy Brown posted on Facebook the opportunity to buy her entire fully equipped glass studio, certainly more than I can process after one lampwork bead class.

After several sleepless nights, I see this post, “God never gives you a dream that matches your budget. He’s not checking your bank account, He’s checking your faith.”


September 30, 2022, I purchased the studio,. After a few weeks of moving and basement construction the studio was ready.

On November 10, I had my first lesson from Cindy in the new Sandy Kaunisto Studio.

I am learning, experimenting with materials and techniques from several artisans, and expanding my creativity and talents.

This is my philosophy :

Everything I do allows me to view the world in a scientific and analytical way while I express it in a dynamic artistic manner.

I believe when you combine critical thinking with extreme curiosity you are blessed with exceptional creative abilities.

I just happen to make fabulous wearable art that allows you to indulge your self-expression.

 You can find Sandy on:

“Spotlight On” is an area where we highlight one of our own. Members are encouraged to share a personal story or an adventure. To see past Spotlight articles, visit our website.
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