Ongoing Challenge No. 56
“Sugared Glass”

By Lilli Berry

The Dragons have snowballs as part of December’s theme, and to me, that evokes fluffy snow packed rounds – for snowball fights, snowmen bodies, shaved ice snow cones, or Hostess Snoballs desserts. Rolling or sprinkling medium to fine clear or white frit on your beads looks like a coating of fluffy snow or sugar.

 When I think of snow covered things, I think of sugar coated sweets like Gumdrops or sugar plums as well. Sugar plums are small sugar-dusted candies, pieces of fruit or nuts, and sometimes a tiny pudding cake. The clear frit is rolled on and not melted in, so it stays slightly translucent and raised like sugar.

White frit may be nice on white icing like the traditional Figgy puddings, coconut covered Snoballs or actual snowballs. What other things can you think of that looks like fluffy snow or sugar? Have you tried to make sugared glass? Let’s explore creating the delicate fleecy look of sugar. Let’s make some snowballs ( just try not to throw them!)

Members can show us your snowy sugared creations on the Facebook page here, share your inspiration! Happy sugaring!

(White snow beads are by Lori Bergmann, colored beads are from Pinterest – no artist credit listed)

Here is an online tutorial from Rosebud 101 blogspot on making “Sugared Beads” that may interest you.

Participating Members Gallery

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