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Terry Henry

Growing up in Southern California, heavily influenced by her talented Scientific and Artistic father, shaped Terry’s early life.    Her father balanced his work with Lockheed Missiles – where he had an integral part in the development of the Hubble Telescope, by  working with his hands by  building furniture and creating driftwood art.

While  enrolled in college, she found she was unable to pursue an art curriculum, as she had in High School.   While at San Jose State University, she found her niche, in Geology.  Science then became her new focus.  Living in the Bay area led to obtaining a Bachelor and Master’s Degree in Geology.   During these times she  married her husband Tom .  She worked  as a  geologist with the USGS and a hydrologist on the Sequoia National Forest. 

electroformed buy with glass body by Terry Henry

 As a geologist, she understood the science behind the beauty of glass and crystals.   She began working with glass in 1981, being drawn to glass and the way light shines through to give a gem-like quality.  She continues to take classes today to learn and also recharge her creativity.

Terry enjoys working in a multimedia environment with glass and other elements, typically including copper, silver, shell, fossils, minerals and more. One of her favorite combinations is glass and copper electroforming. She  increasingly utilizes the combination more often to complete a finished piece of artwork.  She enjoys the coupling of the two to provide a suggestion to her designs, leaving the complete interpretation up to the viewer.

Terry has continued her glass education, taking classes both here in the US and in Italy.  She  pulls inspiration from a great number of things and marvels at the  creativity of many other glass artists.

If Terry could give advice to others, she would say “Do what makes you happy and learn new techniques to inspire you. Get involved with a lampwork community to get started and support a cause or charity” – her favorite is “Beads of Courage”. She believes sharing knowledge and mentoring others is very important and the perfect way to give back.

An acclaimed and award winning artist, Terry has been published  in Glass Design Studio Magazine and Soda Lime Times,  which she feels shows great personal growth. She sells her work during classes she teaches, a show or two a year and in local retail shops and galleries. She has an Etsy store as well, where she also sells components, and a website which includes information about her classes and has completed items for sale. She teaches at the Pasadena Bead & Design Show, Colors of the Stone Show in Tucson and locally at the Studio on the Park in Paso Robles, CA as well as in her own home studio.

Her life changing diagnosis of Breast Cancer, the resulting surgery, chemotherapy and radiation, created a positive influence for her creativity,  diversity of design and willingness to take risks. The entire event emphasized the importance of overcoming obstacles and living life to the fullest. Her plan for the future is to take every opportunity that comes her way because it is most important to live for today. 

Terry’s work may be found at:


