Challenge Yourself!

Whether you would like to learn something new or improve on existing skills, these challenges offer something for everyone! Have fun, and share your work on our Facebook page!


Ongoing Challenge No. 22 – “Flowers”

By Janie Jones

Our theme for this month is “Raindrops on Roses” and the current bead swap considers another line in that famous song, “these are a few of my favorite things”. This month’s Members Challenge will focus on (drum roll please) – flowers.

Any kind of flower you make is acceptable – everybody’s made a flower, right? So there should be lots of images of every kind of flower pictured on our Members Facebook page in comments, beneath the Challenge #22 post.

But if you really want to zoom in on this challenge topic, make a rose as your challenge bead and if you do venture in with a rose, you just might get a big gold star beside your name!
Who’s up for it? All skill levels are welcome here, because we love seeing all glass stuff!
Thank you for participating.

Participating Members Gallery

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