Challenge Yourself!

Whether you would like to learn something new or improve on existing skills, these challenges offer something for everyone! Have fun, and share your work on our Facebook page!


Ongoing Challenge #33

Trains, Planes & Automobiles!

By Janie Jones

Make a Transportation Bead/Glass Piece

The theme for January is “Travels Near and Far.” No doubt many of us traveled for the holidays – what mode of transportation did you use? Show us an example by making any form of transportation bead – trains, planes or automobiles. A great example is this sweet train engine made by Eileen Robbins.

You might share rocket ships or roller skates, any mode of transportation will do – fused or torched, mosaic or stained glass. Show us what you’ve made in comments beneath this challenge post on our members Facebook page. If you need a little more help, Juliet Page is sharing some tutorials from her YouTube page for inspiration.

This link will take you to some of her tutorials. Each one is perfect for Beads of Courage and the kids would love them all. Won’t you share images of your efforts with us for your transportation beads?

Thank you for your participation.