Challenge Yourself!

Whether you would like to learn something new or improve on existing skills, these challenges offer something for everyone! Have fun, and share your work on our Facebook page!


Ongoing Challenge No. 57
“Eyes on You”

By Lilli Berry

Eyes are very expressive.We can usually tell just by looking at their eyes when someone is in love( think large doe eyes), when they are happy (open gaze, a light catchment in them), or angry(squinting, eyebrows furrowed), or scared(wide open, brows raised). When we make beads with faces or eyes, what emotion are you trying to convey? Are they being silly? Friendly? Crazy? Sad?
Eyes are beautiful. And mysterious. And playful.

Eye shape and eyebrow placement help determine these expressions, so using a simple eye expression drawing reference may be really handy. You can use different colors for eyes, add light catchments, eyelashes, eyelids, eyebrows, and maybe tears-to communicate expressions/ emotions also.

Eyes are also present in art and religion or history. They can represent the omniscient eyes of God(s), the Evil Eye (protection from evils), the Eye of Ra(protection) & Eye of Horus (health), the Freemason’s Eye (morality). These are just some of the most well-known ones.
So next time you want to add eyes to your beads, think about what you’re trying to express. Maybe make a few of the same design and only change the eyes. What will they say? Show us!

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