Beads of Courage

The Florida Glass Dragon members are dedicated to supporting the Beads of Courage program with bead donations.  We hope you will join us in this important endeavor.

FGD Beads of Courage September Challenge


Bead Challenge 2020

September is challenge month for bead artists in the Beads of Courage Summer of Fun.  This is the twelfth year of the challenge. Unfortunately, this year we cannot hold in-person events, but we can still pull together as a community to do a virtual challenge.

The program needs our support more than ever to make the beads that children receive for special Acts of Courage during their treatment, and that is where we come in.  Are you willing to accept this challenge, and make some smiles for the kids? Our “Together Though Separate” BOC weekend  is the 2nd Saturday & Sunday of every month, but of course you can make beads at any time.

Since we just had a demonstration from Janie Jones on cupcake beads, a theme of “Sweets and Treats” is suggested for your consideration.  Whatever you choose to make,  all Courage beads are gratefully welcomed.  So fire up those torches and kilns! Let’s see how many beads we, as a group,  can make and donate for the kids during the month of September!

Cupcakes by Janie


  • Send your beads with your donation form to Beads of Courage.

  • Fill in “Florida Glass Dragons” as the ISGB chapter on the form.

  • In the comments section, add that the donation is a part of the  Florida Glass Dragons for the September Bead Challenge.

  • Be sure to let Eileen  know what you have  donated for the September challenge, by email or on the FB Members page,  so that we can get an accurate count of Florida Glass Dragons member contributions.

And the FGDs rise to the challenge! Below are some examples from our members. 



Click for a closer look