Beads of Courage

The Florida Glass Dragon members are dedicated to supporting the Beads of Courage program with bead donations.  We hope you will join us in this important endeavor.

Summer of 2020

This Challenge may be over, but making beads for the kids is still important ~ see you at the torch!   

The Glass Dragons encourage all members to be united in this wonderful cause! We would like to dedicate the 2nd Saturday of every month for making our “Together Though Separate” Beads of Courage beads until we begin to meet in person once again. This not only unifies our group, it helps support a worthy cause. Of course, if you cannot do them on that specific day, make them whenever you can.

To kick off this BOC event, any FGD ALL ACCESS MEMBER donating beads from June 1st through August 31st 2020 can be automatically entered in our drawing:

  • Go to the Challenge post on the FGC Member’s Facebook page.

  • post a photo of the beads you made and are donating to BOC, and that you are mailing them by August 31, 2020 to Beads of Courage

Your name will be entered for a chance to win a handmade pottery bowl.  This is a great little bowl that could be used to hold your quench water, stringers or tools. Details for this summer’s challenge will be provided on Florida Glass Dragons Members Group Facebook page.

pottery jar

On September 2nd, we had a random drawing online during our Zoom chat, and the name chosen was patsy m.  She had a few pieces to choose from, and chose this lidded pot for her tea bags.

Congratulations patsy!

A Gallery of some of our member donated beads

Click to enlarge