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An Evening with

Willy “That Glass Guy”

Boro Pipe with Chameleon

Tuesday, November 30, 2021


Willy, known on Youtube as “That Glass Guy” is going to show us how he makes a piece of functional art, a “pipe”, from borosilcate glass.

He is adding one of his signature chameleons to it for us too!


Find Willy on his Youtube channel and Instagram

After the Demo Update!

 (If you missed it, remember that members can watch the recorded demo on the Facebook Members’ Page, check it out!  And if you aren’t a member but would like to be, visit the Membership page)

William Ramos, AKA Willy – “That Glass Guy” on YouTube, is a talented and innovative young glass worker. He has been doing glass working for 10 years, doing it full time for 7 years. He started out as a Security Guard and decided he needed to do something more artistic. Glass called to him and he has stayed with it, designing and making glass products while making them decorative and useful. Willy works with borosilicate glass using rods, tubing and different tools to achieve the wonderful products he makes.

Willy made a 25 minute video which he condensed down from six to seven hours of work on the delightful water pipe. He started out by making a charming chameleon

Watching him make a “wig-wag” bubble as a start to his project was so much fun to watch. Willy attached the bubble to some clear tubing for the next step, and one end of the pipe began to take shape

Adding more clear tubing to the bottom end was the next step, and watching him work it into the design was very interesting. More tubing became a mouth piece with some skillful manipulation, and he added his charming pre-made chameleon as decoration. For these last steps he used “bridging” as a scaffold of sorts to hold things in place as he worked. This was a technique Willy worked out for himself to help support delicate pieces of the project while he works.

Once everything was attached securely and the look was to his artistic satisfaction, he removed the bridges and it was ready for the annealing kiln.

And below is the finished product after coming out of the kiln! Aren’t those beautiful colors? The chameleon looks like he changed colors to match the wigwag.

Willy did a wonderful job on this presentation! We do appreciate the time he took to do it.

Thank you Willy for sharing your time and expertise with us! 

Vist Willy on YouTube as “Willy That Glass Guy.” He does have many different YouTube videos so go and enjoy them.

Find Willy on his Youtube channel and Instagram

Members can find the recording of Willy’s presentation on the Facebook Members Group page.