Speaker's Series

Amazing demonstrations and fun times with the artists who have been willing to share their artistic skills with us. Currently, our Speaker's Series takes place in Zoom. Check your Membership Packet for the login information.

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An Evening with

Joy Reside

Enameled Copper

Thursday, June 23, 2022


Joy Reside shared with us once before in a montly meeting, making one of her lovely ocean beads. Now she is joining us for an evening in our Speaker Series to show us something totally different. She will be using copper tubing and decorating it with enamels and glass to create a decorated bead.

After the Demo Update!

 (If you missed it, remember that members can watch the recorded demo on the Facebook Members’ Page, check it out!  And if you aren’t a member but would like to be, visit the Membership page)

Joy Reside gave a very enjoyable and inspiring presentation tonight. Several who watched her were so intrigued by the process they quickly tried it themselves and were quite happy with the results.

Step-by-step, she showed us how she goes about making enameled copper beads. It is an intriguing process, and Joy made it look like something we could all learn and accomplish.

She began with cutting the copper, then cleaning it, and continued all the way to adding the enamels and decorations. Joy explained everything very clearly, giving helpful hints as she went along.

 Joy stressed the importance of getting the copper clean before beginning. Even fingerprints, she warned us, have given her less than good results when she was learning.

She told us evenBy demonstrating three different beads, Joy gave us some good ideas of what you could do with the enameled copper tubing.Beginning with adding murrini and glass dots to her first one, she went on to do a second bead decorated with frit. To finish, she made the third copper bead using stringer over the enamel to make leaves & flowers from glass stringer and twisties.

Joy gave so many tips and so much information during this presentation, you will need to watch the presentation to learn all about how to make these lovely beads. We were able to see the finished beads that would be made into earrings, which were lovely. Everyone was ready to run out and buy copper tubing at their local home improvement store.

Thank you Joy, for sharing your time and expertise with us!

Visit Joys  Etsy to see more of her beads, and her beautiful murrini too!

Dragon members have access to this recorded presentation, found on our Facebook Members Group.