“Tips, Tricks & Tools” is an ongoing section of our Newsletter overseen by Beverly Seibenhener. If you have ideas for this section, please share via email to: Tips@theglassdragons.com

This is where all the good stuff is on tips, tricks and ideas!

This month we are sharing our favorite tools! If you have one or more favorite tools, share your favorites and tell us why.

“My favorite tool that I use every time at the torch, I learned about in Marcy Lamberson’s class – Kote Marver. It is the best for marvering glass. It feels good in your hand and you can be close to the bead to see it is level. Works much better than a graphite marver. IMHO. I don’t know how I did glass before that. So much easier to control shapes.”

By Liz Blood.

Some of my favorite tools.

By Robin Baum.

“The first is a pair of tube mashers. Very handy for rounding out and centering murrini.


2nd is Corina Tettinger’s mashers. Perfect size for almost any bead and very easy to squeeze especially for someone with smallish hands.”

Thank you ladies, for these great Tool Tips!

Remember, if you have some favorite tools, share with us, it might become our favorite tool as well!