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An Evening with – Andrew Jackson Pollack

Studio Tour


Tuesday, July 11, 2023


In 2018, Andrew opened Pollack Glass Studio & Gallery on Magazine Street in Uptown New Orleans. Through both teaching and creating art full time he has devoted himself to the exploration of glass for the past ten years. Join us as Andrew takes us on a tour of his studio.

After the Demo Update!

 (If you missed it, remember that members can watch the recorded demo on the Facebook Members’ Page, check it out!  And if you aren’t a member but would like to be, visit the Membership page)

Andrew was so generous with his time sharing a tour of his amazing studio in New Orleans. Many pieces of art glass, goblets, sculpture, jewelry, stained glass, mosaics, ornaments, the list goes on and on – all displayed so beautifully, and all for sale!

He explained particular pieces, his favorites from other artists – admitting they were all wonderful – and his own work too. He loves making and teaching octopuses. He very much appreciates another artist’s work, particularly a large sculpted dinosaur done with great detail made by his friend David White (davidwhiteglass.com).

A most intriguing and whimsical piece in his studio is a “Marble Run” – fully operational. He invites young and old to play and is considering having a class for those who care to learn how to melt/make their own!

Andrew’s studio also dedicates time to the “Ya Ya Organization”, a local body of volunteers who gives support to instructors who teach art to inner city kids. They also offer scholarships to art students.

The room behind the studio is dedicated to monthly torch space renters and teaching space for glass classes from the dedicated student to those who just want to give it a try.

Thank you Andrew for a great tour.

Thank you Andrew, for sharing your time and expertise with us!

Visit Andrew’s website to see more of his work and get information on any classes he may offer..

Dragon members can access the recording of Andrew’s presentation through the members group Facebook page.