Warmers, Moisture Packets & Storage


This month we have tips on heating your murrini, storing your glass, and keeping your jewelry items from tarnishing so easily.

We would love to feature your tips in a future Tips & Tricks column in our newletter. Contact us with them at Tips@theglassdraons.com to share them with your fellow glass workers!

“I had this little warmer thing, and I used it to warm my murrini. It worked great, and there was no electric cord on my bench, but now I need to buy more of the little votives. These little warmers can get hot, so be careful!”

Thank you, Eileen Robbins, for this great tip.

The little packets that come in aspirin bottles, purses and new shoes are there because they absorb moisture. Humidity is one thing that contributes to sterling silver tarnishing. If these are saved and kept with jewelry made with our beads, it helps the sterling silver stay shinier longer. AND it keeps the packets from going into the landfill.

Thank you, Janie Jones, for this great tip.

Janet Borchardt uses heavy cardboard storage tubes, used for blueprints or any wide format printing, to store her glass rods, rather than PVC pipe. She bought hers at Duncan-Parnell. I really like the way Janet cut them at an angle to make it easier to see and reach in to get a rod.

Also, she separates her short stringers by color using the lucite dividers normally used for tubes of lipstick.

Below is an  similar lucite container found on Amazon as a cosmetic holder for the stringers.

Thanks Janet Borchardt, for these great tips.