Speaker's Series

Amazing demonstrations and fun times with the artists who have been willing to share their artistic skills with us. Currently, our Speaker's Series takes place in Zoom. Check your Membership Packet for the login information.

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An Evening with

Brad Pearson


Thursday, January 20, 2022


Brad will be doing a demo of a marble using soft glass. He will be showing techniques from two different series combined in one marble, giving us more info included in one demo. The back of the marble will be a meditation mandala created with a dot stack masking technique and the front will be a Man in the Moon marble. Brad says these are a lot of fun to both create and to hold and view.

The demo covers dots, masking, creating a soft glass marble, the use of metal punties for soft glass making, and using brass tubes to sculpt textures into the surface.

See more of Brad’s work and watch for information on his upcoming classes on his Facebook Business Page
and his Etsy:

To thank Brad for his generosity in sharing his time and expertise with us, you can make a donation (small or large) to his Venmo or through his PayPal – using pearsonglass@gmail.com.

After the Demo Update!

 (If you missed it, remember that members can watch the recorded demo on the Facebook Members’ Page, check it out!  And if you aren’t a member but would like to be, visit the Membership page)

To begin his presentation, Brad told us us all about the tools he uses, the colors of Moretti soft glass he would be using and the size marble he would make.

Brad’s ambition was to share as many techniques as he could by combining his Mandala and Man in the Moon series into one marble, and he was certainly successful in that goal. Brad has a passion for marbles and his work, and the skillful way he created this marble reflected that.

While making the marble, Brad explained why he used the colors he used. Once the base was finished, he moved on to adding the first layer of dots, adding layers until he had created a beautiful mandela. His skill in keeping the marble round during the process was amazing.

Once the mandala was finished, Brad was ready to make a face on the opposite site of the marble. He shared his process, including how he adds smiles and other details to the face. He also gave us some tips on other ways to use his altered tubing “tools.”

After Brad shared how he removes the punties from the marble and puts the marble into the kiln, we had a lively question and answer period, followed by a brief tour of his studio.

Thank you Brad, for sharing your time and expertise with us!

See more of Brad’s work and watch for information on his upcoming classes on his Facebook Business Page
and his Etsy.

Dragon members have access to the recorded presentation, found on our Facebook Members Group page.