Making Glass Frit

You can make frit several different ways. In all cases, be sure to wear proper protective eye wear and take all necessary precautions such as using a dust mask and gloves.

These tips are from Arrow Springs.

  • Heat up glass in a torch or kiln and plunge it into water. The hotter the glass is, the smaller the frit size will be. You may need to gently crush it to separate the fractured glass.
  • Cut small pieces of glass and break them up in a hand held coffee grinder. Gently shake up and down. The longer you grind, the finer the frit. This ruins the coffee grinder for grinding coffee. Some coffee grinder lids are brittle and can shatter. Use caution.
  • Wrap the glass in cloth and crush it with a hammer.
  • Place the glass in a metal cylinder that has a bottom and crush it with a metal plunger that fits the cylinder tightly.

Arm Height 


I’m short of stature with short arms so I put these on the pads of my Creation Station to get my elbows up higher. Here is where I added a couple of sets of beanbags I bungeed together.

Tip from Robin Baum

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