Ongoing Challenge No. 10 – Raking

Ongoing Challenge No. 10 – Raking

Ongoing Challenge No. 10 “Raking” Suggested by – Nina Maduro Dusendau By Janie Jones Some of us use metal to rake hot glass, some of us use glass – either way some pretty awesome results can happen. This month’s Members Challenge is...
Ongoing Challenge No. 9 – Frit Happens

Ongoing Challenge No. 9 – Frit Happens

Ongoing Challenge No. 9 “Frit Happens” By Janie Jones Yes, frit happens. Many of us purchased even MORE frit in 2020, probably a lot more! Now’s the time to show examples by using some of that frit and sharing the results. The bead pictured above was made...
Challenge #8 – Pick a Color

Challenge #8 – Pick a Color

Ongoing Challenge #8 “Pick a Color” suggested by Marlene Butcher By Janie Jones This month we have the pleasure of using an idea from Marlene Butcher – all the way from the United Kingdom!  Marlene’s suggestion is to pick a color, just one color, and use up to 4...
Challenge #7 – Thankful beads

Challenge #7 – Thankful beads

Ongoing Challenge No. 7 “Thankful Beads” By Janie Jones This month’s challenge is to make something that makes you thankful. This year I’m especially thankful for Nature. Being unable to travel and see Nature in other than my normal surroundings, makes me...
Challenge #6 Beachy Beads

Challenge #6 Beachy Beads

Ongoing Challenge #6 “Beachy Beads” By Janie Jones Florida Glass Dragons has been growing by leaps and bounds this year. From members you could count on two hands – who were ALL Floridians – to currently more members than Florida has oranges!! Well,...
Challenge #5 Hidden Images Challenge

Challenge #5 Hidden Images Challenge

Ongoing Challenge No. 5 “Hidden Images” By Janie Jones We all enjoy melting glass, many of us using a multitude of methods.  Most of the time we have a plan, a goal — at least an idea of the result we’d like to see at the end of our efforts, right?  Then again,...