Dragons Tech Tuesday – Inspiration or the lack thereof

Dragon Hosted Tech Tuesday

"Inspiration" The focus of this Tech Tuesday will be "inspiration, or lack thereof" and we will be learning from some of the ideas put forth by Tom Sachs and by Phil Hansen . We will discuss their ideas and share our own ideas to further explore this topic.

Tech Talk – Wire Wrapping

Dragon Hosted Tech Tuesday

We have scheduled a “Tech Tuesday Tag Team” for this month. Several members will be sharing their wire wrapping skills so we may all wear our glass pieces wrapped up in style! Hope you’ll attend and give it a try.

Tech Tuesday – Artist Statements

Dragon Speaker Series 2023 , United States

Have you ever had the need to write an artist’s statement, or wondered how to start? Did you know there are different kinds of artist’s statements? Find the answers to these questions on Tech Tuesday as we investigate writing an Artist Statement with Kelly Six.

Tech Tuesday – Flame Chemistry with Hillary Lawson

Hillary Lawson will be talking about a subject of great importance to all flame workers - flame chemistry. Whether reduction, oxygenating or neutral flames, these all make a difference in our work, and how we use them with our glass to get the desired result. This is something that all of our members will appreciate!