Our Story
The mission of the Glass Dragons is to promote the diverse art of glass beadmaking and glass working techniques; to be socially responsible through support of worthy causes; to provide a nurturing environment to all members; and foremost, to have a good time together through our common passion for glass.

The Story of the Glass Dragons
After seeing a demonstration in 2001, Becky Mason – a glass enthusiast from Orlando Florida, was moved to discover more about this fascinating art form. The demonstration was given by Lance McRorie. He and his wife Maureen are glass artists who had just moved into the region. Shortly after that demo, they opened their studio – Flametree Glass – in Orlando. Becky and many others enthusiastically flocked to the studio to take classes, learn what they could, play in the studio and naturally, friendships developed.
With Becky taking the helm, the artists decided to form a local glass club in affiliation with the International Society of Glass Beadmakers (ISGB). She proceeded to build the business framework, leading to the formation of the Orlando Glass Dragons. Meetings were held with Lance and Maureen at Flametree Glass. In 2006 the group filed paperwork to Incorporate, becoming what was known as the Florida Glass Dragons.
Word spread about the Dragons, and before you know it, they had members from all over the state and were hosting meetings at studios and homes outside of Orlando. As with any organization, changes occur people and studios come and go — but the Dragons have remained. FlameTree has returned to their roots in Georgia. Most of the original officers from that early group still remain great friends to this day and get together several times a year to do various art projects. Some of them are still members now.
The Glass Dragons as a flameworking club, has evolved, too. Many of our members play with fusing, stained glass, mosaics and other art forms. Prior to March 2020, we met monthly, usually at a member’s home or a “local” studio. Sometimes we drove 4 hours to get together. We watched demonstrations, tried out new techniques, made Beads of Courage, and shared yummy food. Then, the novel CoronaVirus changed all our lives. We couldn’t meet. We became stir crazy.
So, we tried something new. We started meeting online, using Zoom. Glass artists volunteered to enter this new experimental environment and try their hands at on-line chats, and meetings. Glass artists from all over the United States started joining in. Now we are talking and chatting and inspiring each other MORE often. We’re having demos and presentations online, Bead Swaps online, and even a day where we just go online to chat about our week – face to face in Zoom. With so many members from aroung the country and the world, the name was changed to “The Glass Dragons”.
Through word of mouth and the magic of social media, many people have expressed an interest in what we’re doing. We want to keep that fire going.
I’d like to invite you to be a part of our community. Hang out with us; have some fun, and participate.