Dragon News
Dragons are busy. Plenty to see and do here!
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Meet Glenda Long
Spotlight on Glenda Long Being fortunate to grow up in a rural area of Kansas City, Kansas, we had chickens, horses, goats, dogs and cats. My...
Zhang Yi – Year of the Dragon
An Evening with Zhang YiYear of the Dragon, Principles in Sculpture Saturday, March 16, 2024 We welcome Yi Zhang for a very timely...
Challenge #46 – Masking it Up!
"Masking it Up!" by Tanya Layton Mardi Gras masks come in all shapes and colors, and they will include beads, rhinestones and feathers ~ or...
Challenge #47 – Celtic Treasures
Ongoing Challenge #47 "Celtic Tree of Life -!" by Tanya Layton In early Irish literature, the four treasures of the Tuatha Dé Danann, a...
Meet Darcy Abbott
Spotlight on Darcy Abbott Greetings from Tallahassee, Florida’s capital city. I have been around glass art for as long as I can remember. I grew up...
Challenge #45 – Mugs
Challenge #45 “Mugs & More” by Tanya Layton Let’s see your mug!This month’s challenge is mugging around with some mugs, toasting flutes,...
Meet Barb Fukusaka
Spotlight on Barb Fukusaka Hello! My name is Barb Fukusaka and I live in beautiful BC on the west coast of Canada, but we call it the "Wet Coast".My...
Corina Tettinger – Ground Hog Beads
An Evening with - Corina Tettinger "Groundhog Beads" Friday, February 22, 2024 Corina Tettinger, the talented beadmaker and excellent teacher...
Challenge #44 – Twisties
Challenge #44 “Try A Trendy Twistie” by Janie JonesThis month's theme is “Twist and Shout” and since it’s Decemberrrrr, most glassworkers...